Would you like to be part of NORDEX FOOD?
Når du som ny medarbejder træder indenfor hos NORDEX FOOD, mærker du straks, at der hersker en særlig ånd. Vores arbejdsplads og omgang med hinanden bygger på tillid og trivsel, men også på vores fælles værdier og professionalisme. Sådan har det været i mere end 40 år, og sådan skal det blive ved med at være. Det er nemlig det, der gør NORDEX FOOD til en attraktiv arbejdsplads.
NORDEX FOOD has undergone rapid development since its inception in 1984. This places great demands on both organization and employees, and we acknowledge your efforts with exciting development opportunities. Most important to us is the well-being of our employees, regardless of whether you are at the office in the UK, the dairy in Romania or at the head office in Dronninglund. At NORDEX FOOD, we know that well-being at work affects your results positively.
We are an international company with production and sales offices in several locations in Europe. We have a clear growth strategy and a desire to hire the best candidates.
"Therefore, we are also very interested in receiving an unsolicited application and CV from anyone who wants to work with us at NORDEX FOOD. A need for new colleagues can quickly arise, and then it is good to have an active Job Bank. I can tell you that our job bank is always part of our recruitment process. "
Mette Kronborg Høiseth - HR Manager
When you send us an unsolicited application, you agree that we will keep your application for up to 6 months, after which it will be deleted.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Mød teamet hos NORDEX og lær vores virksomhed at kende!
Se vores nye corporate film og få indblik i, hvem vi er, hvad vi gør, og hvordan vi gør en forskel.
Job vacancies
Are you applying unsolicited?
We are always looking for talented candidates and welcome unsolicited applications.